Monday, June 11

Day 2: stocking up

What a productive day we had. We started the day by driving a hour to go to Costco and Trader Joe's. That's right, I live that close to Trader Joe's. I can't tell you how happy that makes me. So we woke up, ate breakfast and off we went. Now normally I do not take the kids grocery shopping with me when I need to do a stock up but well Zech is gone so I had no choice. Luckily I did have Lisa. She is so good to me. She entertained the kids while we were in the stores. I hadn't told her we were doing a huge stock up so I had to chuckle when she made the following statement, "Emiley, why are we buying so much food?   Your going to make us fat." Oh how I love that girl. While at the store I got a little too excited about the melons. They just looked so good, I bought six. Then it was time to head back home. Boy did I miss having Zechary home to unload the car. Lisa and I managed though. I think her arms are made of steel.

My Melons!

After putting the groceries away it was time for a rest. Normally after I go shopping I can hardly move because I am so tired. This was not the case today. I could not sleep! I had entirely way to much energy and all I could think about was how I needed to unpack the babies room. So I did just that, well I started at least. It's still a work in progress. I guess you could say I am nesting. I had such a good time pulling out Elai's old clothes and recalling all of our sweet memories. I can't wait for our new baby boy to wear them.  There is still a lot to do in that room but I will get it done eventually, I'm not in to big of a hurry.  So that was our day, once again we survived another day.  Looking forward to tomorrow and crossing off another day.

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