Monday, August 17

Cheese Please

After doing some allergy testing on Elai last Friday, we have found out he is allergic to dairy. So what does that mean? No dairy for me. I know it doesn't seem like that big of a deal but let me explain my daily meal plan.

Breakfast- Yogurt Smoothie
Snack-Cheese Stick
Lunch-Whatever I decide to make
Snack-Cheese and crackers, or cottage cheese and fruit
Dinner-Whatever I decide to make and a big glass of milk
Snack-Chocolate Milkshake

Now you see my problem? While I decided since breast milk is still best for my baby I would give up dairy completely. It has been hard but I'm doing it. I have however decided that as soon as I'm done nursing we are going to Farr's for a double scoop ice cream cone.

1 comment:

  1. Sam was allergic to dairy as a baby and we did not find out until he was a little older. So he threw up a lot and suffered ear aches. But he out grew it later on and is my biggest milk drinker! Good luck!! Millie
