Tuesday, November 18

We have conquered Canning!

In my family it is a tradition that every year for Christmas we give home made gifts. Things that we can make for $5 or under. About a month ago I was trying to decide what I was going to throw together. I couldn't think of anything! Then it hit me. I love spaghetti! I decided to make and can home made spaghetti sauce. So I went out and bought the jars and all the ingredients I needed. Then I just had to find a caner, I ended up borrowing one from a lady in our ward. The only problem is that she didn't have any instructions and had never used it herself. After bugging Donna almost everyday for a couple of weeks and doing some research online I figured out how to use the thing! We were all ready to go, and then we found out the caner is to heavy to use on a glass top stove. Somebody suggested we use it on the bbq, but we found the water wasn't boiling (later we found out we weren't doing it right so that is why the water wasn't boiling!). Well we finally found a solution! Zech and I put everything in the car and drove to our friends house and used their stove!!! We are finally done, and it worked! Our first canning experience worked out perfectly. Though we stumbled along the way, we never gave up. Here are a few pictures of us trying to figure out the bbq situation!


  1. How can I not comment? Congratulations! It is amazing how something that seems like it aught to be easy can be so challenging. Persistence, persistence, persistence has paid off again. GOOD JOB!

  2. I love reading your blogs. Sounds like you and Zech are having lots of fun. What a great Christmas gift idea!
